Friday, November 11, 2011

Rules and Punishment's

I am still working on m’pire facts but I am getting stuck at the rules of the society. I mean look at all the rules that we must follow in the world. You would think making rules up would be easy but I can come up with a few but then I have to think of punishments for breaking rules. Let’s face it nobody likes to be punished. Why would I want to do that to my characters they are becoming real and like friends to me?

Can anybody think of rules that could pertain to non-human super powerful race of humans? What should they not do in this world and if they break them what should there punishment be? I am lost help. If anyone comes up with a good rule I will put it in the book. Let me know what you think.

I am listening to 2 steps from hell and future world music while writing. Those artists really bring out the creativity in me, you should go to you tube to check them out.

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