Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chapter 2

Today I finished Chapter 2 of my first rough draft on my paranormal romance. My goal is to have my book done, edited and put out on the market by next summer. That would be 2012. I have been working on chapter 2 for several months, I told myself that I had to finish chapter 2 by the end of today. I want to at least get 1 to 2 chapters done a month. Let’s see how well I work on that goal. I will report to my audience every time I finish a chapter, so not only will you hold me responsible I don’t want to look like a failure which will get me going and not stopping. I am jumping up and down on finishing chapter 2 and I know that soon I will be finishing my last chapter.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


I love the Library. If you are a book whore then what better place is there for you?  Oh and the best part is that you can read books, watch movies, and take CD’s with you for FREE. I remember when I was younger I used to have to move around a lot and one summer I was in a new city with no friends  to spend the wonderful summer months with.  My mother took us to the library and that is where I found Heaven, I could check out as many books as I wanted as well as any movies I wanted to see. I would check out 30 books a week, see they became my friends.  A world I could go to and forget I had to take care of a small baby (my awesome brother) and no place to go to hang with friends, or a camp to go to. A new world I could learn about that had different people in or different situations I could learn about and no matter what they wouldn’t leave me.  As well as at the time which was in the 90’s if children checked out so many books that month you got coupons to go to DQ for free food, how awesome is that!!!! I was so excited to go to the library; it was the best place for me. Unfortunately, school came and I made real human friends and my poor book friends got left behind in the world of LIFE. Don’t feel too bad for my book friends though because they came into my life every once in a while over the years, they helped me through rough patches and scary situations as well as happy times.  
Tell me your favorite library times, or even your favorite story that involves a book.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

My First day at Blogging

Okay so I have no idea what to write or even where to begin. I am starting a romance novel and wanted to learn to be a better writer by well writing more. You know what they say the more you write the better a writer you will be. Practice makes perfect. Because of that philosophy I have started a blog. I don’t expect this blog to be viewed by millions, so here goes. 
I remember in 5th grade my math teacher would always tell us that practice makes perfect, to practice, practice and practice some more. We were learning multiplication and every day he would give us 25 to 50 multiplication problems and we would have like 5 minutes to do the quiz. That was his idea of trying to make us better in math, it worked for me. I loved that math teacher. However the next year he became my English teacher. I didn’t like him so much after that. I hated Grammar; I am the worst at Grammar. Even in College my English Teachers would tell me “Very creative, very organized, work on your grammar.”    
For that reason, I was always afraid to write, I figured that Grammar is one of the main ingredients and well I sucked at that so I couldn’t be a writer. Every day I battle with that voice in my head saying what are you doing you can’t write, nobody will read it and they will persecute you for your horrible Grammar but I write anyway.